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Saturday, June 30, 2012

On the Road to Independence

As you begin preparations for the Fourth of July celebration, continue to be mindful of. . .

America's fight for freedom!
It did not JUST HAPPEN overnight! 

The Ultimate Sacrifice
Hope, courage and faith is solidified
with the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
 A long, arduous road to independence
was finally reaching its journey’s end.

A committee of only five*
Met to initiate liberty
On a large parchment document
Declared our country finally free

Thirteen former British Colonies
Shaped an indisputably innovative spirit
Free from British rule and tyranny
New in mentality, morality and merit

A total of fifty-six men
Put their lives, families on the line
To throw off the yoke of Britain
Leaving oppression far, far behind

A resolved league of complete solidarity
United for their common defense
Protected the security of liberties
Against forces of any pretence

They all knew without any doubt
Penalty of death was the price
Their lives, fortunes, sacred honor
Were all part of the sacrifice

©2012 Awakenings
Sharla Lee Shults

Liberty is the right to choose, freedom is the result of that choice.

*The committee consisted of John Adams of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Robert R. Livingston of New York and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia.


  1. Sharla,
    I am so excited about being American. Red, White and Blue
    Red for the blood our soldiers shed
    White for the purity of their love to fight for our freedom
    Blue for those we lost
    I hope the news across American gets these videos and your message. I forwarded it to everyone in my address book and Tweeted them all as well.
    Thank you for reminding us where we live and those that fought so we could be FREE!!

  2. Mamie, thank you so much for your comments and forwardings! I have not received as much feedback from these posts as I had hoped. Thank you for helping spread America across America!
