Welcome to Awakenings!

Why am I here?

Note: My introduction appeared as my first post and has now been superceded by many others. So-o-o, I thought it appropriate to include it as a separate page to those of you who may not have joined in on its initial posting.

Best Location On Getting Garbled Energies Revived!

This is my first experience as a blogger. Um-m-m-m-m? Strange word this blogger. So, let's make it a little more interesting: Best Location On Getting Garbled Energies Revived! Haven't we all at some point in time felt totally garbled: jumbled, unclear, hazy, confused? Don't our energies need a new awakening?

My purpose for the blog is my passion for writing: writing with a poetic finesse. A twist of fate brought me to the writing world, from mathematician and educator to writer. Or, perhaps I should clarify: As epitomized in my first book, Echoes, I am only the instrument From His Hand to Mine, From My Heart to Yours. If only one mind is opened or one heart mended, then I have been blessed for touching that one soul!

A second book generated thoughts of Remembering...My Hand in Yours, Your Hand in Mine. As with Echoes, the message is from the heart inspired by life, love and whispers of yesterday. In contrast, Remembering reflects an emotional journey through childhood days, recalling facets of family ties, camaraderie and adversity. It is a means for sharing love, dreams and inspirations to send a heart racing, free a heart of grief or perhaps even offer a path for forgiveness.

Of course, it did not stop there. My latest venture is Awakenings from Then 'til Now. What a great way to energize your inner being and find out from whence YOU came! As we seek to find knowledge that identifies who we are, let us not forget the words of our forefathers that preserve honor in the past, present and future. Ignorance of the past leaves us naive in the present and stagnant in our images of the future. In this endeavor, a Time for Reflection appears intermittently that affords the reader the opportunity to connect From Then ’til Now and examine personal Whisperings from the Past.

More on the Writing Board: There are actually five volumes to complete the set. The fourth, Catnip of Life, is complete and ready for editing. I know... you are wondering about the title, Catnip. It's inspiration actually came from our two cats, Foxie and Boots. What a joy and treat they are as they scamper about the yard truly enjoying the wonders of nature!

The beliefs behind this volume of poetry expose nature as a diamond in the rough and its power to heal. The verses reveal openness to the world around us and how simple everyday happenings and observances make a difference, not only in our lives but also in the lives of others. From reflections where happiness is found with the falling rain and sunshine eases our sorrows to experiencing The Thread of Life where life is given a second chance, there exists excitement, enchantment, emotion, heartbreak and contentment.

Last, but not least: Ah-h-h-h! Reminiscent of Chocolate! This is my favorite because I am joined by my husband, Jim, who is absolutely the best chef ever! Reminiscent of Chocolate entails nourishment to engulf the most appetizing flavors, and food for thought and encouragement connecting the past with the present on into the future.

While all of the recipes in this collection do not necessarily contain a major chocolate ingredient, they are all Reminiscent of Chocolate: delightful, delectable, and delicious. Subtle hints of chocolate appear most unexpectedly; then, a scrumptious bombshell bursts forth with absolute chocolate madness! NOTE: There are recipes which are totally absent of chocolate, or seem to be anyway. This is debatable for there is always that tiny, crystal dish filled with those captivating, mouth-watering, decadent delights to be enjoyed throughout the cooking process. Who knows what chocolate surprise might be found in the most unusual of recipes! In other words, chocolate knows no boundaries.

Bottom line: Why am I here? My proposal to you, the reader...

One of the best ways to grow is to listen and learn from my readers. Periodically I will post a new writing. These will be selections from the latest volume, Awakenings, which is due on the market in February, 2012.

Hopefully, the readings will Embrace Your Past, Empower the Present, Enrich Your Future! Take time to reflect on your own life; then, inquire, research and locate your ancestors to direct your energies toward understanding your heritage. If you become really inspired, let me know and I will hold you a personal signed copy of the book at a special price!

Note: On special occasions some verses may appear from Echoes (2004) or Remembering (2009).

Happy reading!